fergal~$ _

Software developer, light installation artist and featherweight philosophizer 🤔

Recent Posts

Keeping your finger on the pulse of your product

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    It’s no secret that fast and frequent feedback at the early stages of a startup is critical for reacting to customer demands, product uptake and marketing performance. Putting the systems in place to facilitate this can be time consuming and often have a high noise to signal ratio which means pouring over analytics regularly. We’ve found at Vizamp that having simple notifications in place, triggered by certain events, provides a nice low-fidelity mechanism of consistently having an intuitive reading on how your product is performing and without having to remind yourself to check analytics. Read More...

How to shift your pixels which-way

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These days JavaScript is pretty quick but still slower than native code by a good margin. While developing an idea for a visual effect for Vizamp, which I call the shift filter, I needed a level of performance that was unavailable in regular JavaScript. First let me explain the shift filter. At a basic level it takes the color of each pixel and shifts it from its current array position to another by an offset value. Read More...

Evolution of a logo - Part II

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In the Part I, I wrote about milestone along the journey to the Vizamp logo. In this post I want to talk about the technological offshoot of that journey that helped us hone in on the design. By the time I knew what the constituents of the design were, I was growing tired of fiddling around in illustrator to come up with variations. So I built a browser based tool, using knowhow gained in creating Vizamp visualizations, to parameterise the design elements so that variations could be tested easily. Read More...